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Seamless User Management: Integrating Firebase Authentication with Odoo


In this article, we’ll explore how to integrate Firebase Authentication with Odoo ERP, creating a seamless connection between user management in Firebase and partner management in Odoo. This integration allows you to store Firebase UIDs in the Odoo model and link user actions between both systems.


  • Node.js and npm installed
  • Firebase Project setup
  • Odoo running instance

Step 1: Setting up the project 

npm init -y
npm install express firebase dotenv xmlrpc

Step 2: Setup Firebase Configuration

Create a firebaseConfig.js file to initialize the Firebase client SDK

import { initializeApp as initializeClientApp } from "firebase/app"; 
import dotenv from 'dotenv';  

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
  authDomain: process.env.AUTH_DOMAIN,
  projectId: process.env.PROJECT_ID,
  storageBucket: process.env.STORAGE_BUCKET,
  messagingSenderId: process.env.MESSAGING_SENDER_ID,
  appId: process.env.APP_ID,
  measurementId: process.env.MEASUREMENT_ID
  const firebaseClientApp = initializeClientApp(firebaseConfig);
  export default firebaseClientApp;

Step 3: Odoo Configuration

Create an odooConfig.js file to configure odoo connection

import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import xmlrpc from 'xmlrpc';


const ODOO_URL = process.env.ODOO_URL;
const ODOO_DB = process.env.ODOO_DB;
const ODOO_USERNAME = process.env.ODOO_USERNAME;
const ODOO_PASSWORD = process.env.ODOO_PASSWORD;
async function getOdooConnection() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const common = xmlrpc.createClient({ url: `${ODOO_URL}/xmlrpc/2/common` });
   common.methodCall('authenticate', [ODOO_DB, ODOO_USERNAME, ODOO_PASSWORD, {}], (err, uid) => {
if (err || !uid) {
return reject('Authentication failed');
console.log(`Authenticated with UID: ${uid}`);
const models = xmlrpc.createClient({ url: `${ODOO_URL}/xmlrpc/2/object` });
resolve({ models, uid });
export { ODOO_URL, ODOO_DB, ODOO_USERNAME, ODOO_PASSWORD, getOdooConnection };

Step 4: Creating Authentication Routes

Create a authRoute.js file to handle signup, signin, and signout operations

import express from 'express';
import { getAuth, signInWithEmailAndPassword, createUserWithEmailAndPassword, signOut } from 'firebase/auth';
import firebaseClientApp from './firebaseConfig.js';
import { getOdooConnection, ODOO_DB, ODOO_PASSWORD } from './odooConfig.js';

const clientAuth = getAuth(firebaseClientApp);
const router = express.Router();'/signup', async (req, res) => {
    const { email, password } = req.body;
    try {
        const { models, uid } = await getOdooConnection();

        // Create user in Firebase
        const userCredential = await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(clientAuth, email, password);
        const firebaseUid = userCredential.user.uid;

        // Check if user already exists in Odoo
        const existingPartnerId = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            models.methodCall('execute_kw', [ODOO_DB, uid, ODOO_PASSWORD, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['x_firebase_uid', '=', firebaseUid]]]], (error, result) => {
                if (error) {
                } else {

        let odooPartnerId = existingPartnerId;
        if (!existingPartnerId) {
            // Create new partner in Odoo
            odooPartnerId = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                models.methodCall('execute_kw', [ODOO_DB, uid, ODOO_PASSWORD, 'res.partner', 'create', [{
                    'name': email,
                    'email': email,
                    'x_firebase_uid': firebaseUid
                }]], (error, result) => {
                    if (error) {
                    } else {

        res.status(200).json({ message: 'User signed up successfully', uid: firebaseUid, odooPartnerId });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error during signup:', error);
        res.status(500).json({ message: 'Failed to sign up user' });
});'/signin', async (req, res) => {
    const { email, password } = req.body;
    try {
        const userCredential = await signInWithEmailAndPassword(clientAuth, email, password);
        const firebaseUid = userCredential.user.uid;

        const { models, uid } = await getOdooConnection();

        // Find corresponding partner in Odoo
        const partnerId = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            models.methodCall('execute_kw', [ODOO_DB, uid, ODOO_PASSWORD, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['x_firebase_uid', '=', firebaseUid]]]], (error, result) => {
                if (error) {
                } else {

        if (!partnerId) {
            throw new Error('No corresponding partner found in Odoo');

        res.status(200).send({ status: 'success', user: userCredential.user, partnerId });
    } catch (error) {
        res.status(400).send({ status: 'error', message: error.message });
});'/signout', async (req, res) => {
    try {
        await signOut(clientAuth);
        res.status(200).send({ status: 'success', message: 'User signed out successfully' });
    } catch (error) {
        res.status(400).send({ status: 'error', message: error.message });

export default router;

Step 5: Setting Up Odoo

  1. Log in to your Odoo instance as an administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Technical > Database Structure > Models.
  3. Find the “res.partner” model and add a new field:
    • Field Name: x_firebase_uid
    • Field Label: Firebase UID
    • Field Type: Char

This will allow us to store the Firebase UID for each user in Odoo.

Step 6: Create the main server

Create a server.js file to setup your express application

Copyimport express from 'express';
import authRoutes from './authRoutes.js';

const app = express();

app.use('/auth', authRoutes);

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`));

Step 7: Environment Variables

Create a .env file in your project root to store sensitive information:



By following these steps, you’ve successfully integrated Firebase Authentication with Odoo ERP. This seamless connection enables you to manage users in Firebase while maintaining partner data in Odoo. Future improvements could include extending this integration to other Firebase services or adding additional functionality in Odoo based on user actions.

Something not working?
Ensure that your environment variables are correctly configured and that the Odoo instance is properly connected. Check Firebase project permissions and Odoo server logs for detailed error information.

Still not working?
Comment below and i’ll make sure I get back to you!


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